Can You Hide From Ruvik in Chapter 9

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The Evil Within guide: Chapter 9 - The Cruelest Intentions

Explore and escape Ruvik's mansion, solving the encephalon puzzles as you lot go.

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This chapter takes place in a large mansion. Rather than take you down each twist and turn, we'll divide the mansion in to areas to brand information technology easier to navigate. You lot will as well be chased 3 times past Ruvik in the mansion. You can't kill him so just run from him whenever he turns up. When you've shook him off, return to whichever location you lot were in.

At that place are iv main areas to explore hither, and we're going to start with the second level. Once at the superlative of the stairs you'll run across doors on the left, correct and directly in front of y'all. Go through the double doors in forepart of yous now.

Walk over the object glowing on the table to the left and pick it up. It's the Lower Condom Punch. Check the room for anything else you might detect useful. Exit this room and back outside to the unlocked door (the other is locked). Inside you lot'll come across a ladder and at the meridian is the Upper Safe Dial. The creature on the floor here isn't expressionless so brace yourself to kill it.

Now continue the hallway to the correct of where you entered the room and go through each doorway hither to gather loot. When y'all become down the corridor to the broken floor tiles you lot'll trigger a trap. Aim for the light to a higher place the teeth and shoot it to stop yourself from beingness killed. At that place's a door near where the trap was that you lot should get through and look to the left. Smash the Goddess Statue for the key.

As you explore the room further you'll notice a fireplace that you can crouch and pass through. There'south a giant puzzle here, and yous'll need to solve this i and two others in order to open the giant door in the entrance hall. For this puzzle, locate A-ii Fear on the desk so insert the needle on the brain.

Go out the sleeping accommodation, lookout man the cutscene, and then go out the room and caput left, burning any bodies on the manner. You'll eventually detect yourself dorsum exterior on the second level of the mansion.

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Get down to the main level of the mansion and through the foyer door to the left, into the dining area. At that place's some Green Gel here and the Mansion Dining Room Note.

Advance here forth the only real path y'all can take until you come beyond two creatures and a expressionless torso. A grenade will make short piece of work of these two and if Ruvik turns upward but be set to run back to the foyer until he'south gone.

Going frontwards you lot'll come up across another brain puzzle. Locate F-seven Consent and identify the needle in the corresponding role of the brain. At present go back to the entrance hall.

In the foyer on the left you'll be able to find a save room, so if yous demand to relieve or upgrade at present is a good time.

Now head right from the antechamber into a couple of rooms where yous'll be able to lay your easily on some loot. When you enter the big room with the pianoforte there'south something shining in the corner. It'due south the Mansion Music Room Note and in the painting higher up you lot'll find a slot for both the Upper Safe Dial and the Lower Safe Dial. Putting the items in the right place here will let you access to the third puzzle.

Take not of where C-4 Promise is located and move the needle on the encephalon to the corresponding spot. Now go all the manner back to the anteroom where y'all began.

Y'all can at present enter the really long hallway and get forward until Ruvik turns upwardly again. After the cutscene follow the human until he begins to chase you, and then run every bit fast as y'all can. You'll come to a large room and you'll need to crawl to work your mode nether and through what looks similar motion sensors.

Next, you'll need to keep moving as the gates autumn and yous endeavor and shake off the enemy. When y'all reach the dead terminate, don't panic. Shoot the concatenation on the door and the gate will open up, letting yous through. You'll have to do this a few more than times earlier you make it all the way to the finish of this sequence. When you go to the befouled you lot'll watch another cutscene.

As the barn burns yous need to use the wheels to lower and position the cage near the cleaved ladder. Once it'southward in place go in and shoot the cycle that raises/lowers it, which will accept y'all up to the loft.

At the top yous'll be attacked by the enemy who'south been chasing you lot and a few other creatures. Attempt to avert him and impale the other enemies here, and one time that's over you'll reappear in the long corridor. Go through the room and between the ii bookshelves and you lot'll complete the chapter.

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